What is Outpatient Drug Detox?

For most, outpatient drug rehab is the third stage of recovery. Drug detox allows addictive substances to safely leave a person's body in a safe and controlled fashion. Inpatient drug rehab (also known as residential drug rehab) continues the close 24/7 monitoring and intensive structure of drug detox in an environment where a person learns about themselves and their addiction while receiving emotional and psychological support.
Outpatient drug rehab continues many of the services offered in an inpatient/residential setting, but in a less-intensive outpatient setting. A person attending outpatient drug rehab doesn't live at their treatment center anymore. Instead, they commute from where they're living and attend treatment at an outpatient drug rehab.
A patient typically attends a designated outpatient facility on an as-needed basis, where they can receive medical assistance and therapeutic counseling. Medications may also be prescribed if needed to help a person continue to manage withdrawal symptoms or reduce cravings for drugs or alcohol.
Treatment during outpatient rehab includes educational classes on addiction, relapse prevention techniques, coping strategies, and other essential life skills that support long-term sobriety. Counselors provide guidance through the process of recovery and help patients to develop a plan of action for maintaining sobriety after rehab.
Outpatient drug rehab is beneficial for those in recovery as it doesn't disrupt their regular life too much. They can continue to live at home, attend school, work, or take care of other responsibilities while participating in treatment and receiving the support they need to maintain sobriety. It also gives them the opportunity to practice the skills they learned during drug detox and inpatient care in “real world” settings with minimal structure and less intensive support than residential treatment.
One quick word about outpatient drug rehab: while an outpatient program is very helpful in recovery, it's not for everyone. Outpatient drug rehab is best for those who have already advanced through the earlier stages of recovery or have less-severe addiction issues. It's always best to consult a professional and carefully consider which treatment program is best for you.
Regardless of the treatment program you choose, outpatient drug rehab should be viewed as an important step in recovery. It's the first step out of treatment and into the real world, but it can also provide a much-needed safety net for those who are still adjusting to life without drugs or alcohol. Outpatient drug rehab gives us the opportunity to practice our skills and make sure that we're on track toward achieving long-term sobriety. With structure and support, anything is possible.
DetoxNearMe.com will gladly help you find an outpatient drug rehab. If you have any questions that need answering, or want some guidance as you search, please reach out to us.